Working at KKT

Working at Kiviõli Keemiatööstus provides stable employment as well as attractive career and development opportunities. The working conditions in the company meet the modern occupational safety standards and all employees pass health examinations. The employees have at their disposal locker rooms, shower rooms and leisure areas, and personal work clothes, footwear and protective equipment is issued to each employee.

The salaries paid at KKT are competitive and skilled specialists earn decent salaries in every position. The company values professionalism, skills, competence and achieved results. In addition to the remuneration, KKT offers several motivation packages to its employees: the option to use a work vehicle, the constant possibility for training and participation in various company events. The employer also supports the studies of its employees.

KKT welcomes proactive people with initiative who wish to evolve with the company. Great specialists and skilled workers, engineers, mechanics, technologists and operators are always welcome.